Elizabeth and her newest little one, the author and creator of love our littles
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Hello friend and welcome to LoveOurLittles.com!

I’m Elizabeth Porter, the creator of this website and a mama to two little ones!

On this website, you will find only authentic and researched information. Mostly about being a mom to littles, but also about breastfeeding, pumping and lots of baby stuff too.

Elizabeth is highly educated in breastfeeding and exclusive pumping with the additional gain of real life experience doing both. She successfully pumped exclusively for almost a full year for her firstborn and exclusively breastfed her second baby. She is also a 17 year state certified cosmetologist and makeup artist with education in anatomy and chemistry. 

Featured On

✔︎ thesoccermomblog.com

✔︎ prettyprogressive.com

✔︎ mommyonpurpose.com

✔︎ clarkscondensed.com

✔︎ paperheartfamily.com

✔︎ joyfullmesses.com

✔︎ motivationformom.com

✔︎ themomentsathome.com

✔︎ maternitycomfortsolutions.com

…and more!





Feel heard...

Be Encouraged!

Join an email list where you are more than just a number to sell to. You are a future friend and a mom like me... I am here to walk along side you - to hand over some tips and tools I believe in. So excited to meet you!

The Mission

The reason loveourlittles.com came to be was truly out of the hope that Elizabeth could help new moms overcome some of the things she struggled with.

Such as, becoming an exclusive pumper for the first time. 

You will notice as you dive deeper into this site that exclusive pumping, breastfeeding and breast milk supply are trending themes throughout much of the content.

This is because after Elizabeth exclusively pumped for 11 months successfully for her first child, she felt compelled to share her gained expertise on the topic.

After all, pumping breast milk takes life experience and not just simply text book knowledge. Which is why this website is a resource  you can trust with your breast pumping questions.

You can know that Elizabeth has been through similar things and she speaks from having lived through it herself.

More About Elizabeth

A few months before Elizabeth created this blog she became a military wife, moved to a new city (where she knew no one) and had my baby girl. A lot changed in her life and within a very short amount of time!

She went from being self-employed as a hairstylist with two successful businesses to an “unemployed” stay at home mom.

As you can imagine, she was a little lonely and extremely overwhelmed with her first baby and no family or friends near by to lean on.

Some of the main pain points Elizabeth experienced as a first time mom was breastfeeding, which is the reason that is a strong focus on loveourlittles.com.

She had planned to nurse her baby exclusively, but after about four weeks of challenge after challenge and so much pain, she had to find a different way.

Which is how Elizabeth found herself as an exclusive pumper for the first time.

Exclusive pumping was new to Elizabeth and foreign to say the least. It was never even brought up once during any time of her pre or postnatal care.

In fact, Elizabeth has never ever even met anyone in real life who has pumped exclusively like her.

For Elizabeth, the struggle was in figuring out how to pump and be successful at it without really knowing what she was doing at first, but her will was strong and her determination fearless.

She was frustrated, second-guessed herself at times and had so many set-backs and pain. There really is no innate skill set women are born with that prepares them for breast pumping.

If you are resonating with what is being said, please consider enrolling yourself into an exclusive pumping e-course that will significantly help you eliminate some of these pumping pains you’re reading about.

The two Elizabeth recommends are:

There is now no reason you should have to struggle with your supply, finding the right pump parts and learning how and when to replace them and so many more complications that come with exclusive pumping.

You may still be determined to nurse and that is wonderful too!

However, I strongly recommend you put some time into preparing for breastfeeding before your baby arrives.

Another great video course that has helped thousands of moms ready themselves for breastfeeding success is The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class by Milkology.

You can find all of my product and course suggestions on my recommendations page. 

As Elizabeth expressed earlier, she created this blog to help other moms avoid some of the breastfeeding struggles she encountered and also to connect with her readers!

Being a stay at home mom in a new city can be very lonely, but having you all here has made a world of difference in her life!

Please connect personally with Elizabeth on Instagram or Facebook and her email is available down below as well. She always responds to any sincere form of communication.

