18 Pumping Hacks that Make Pumping so Much Easier!

Must-Know Breast Pumping Hacks

Are you a busy pumping mama looking for pumping hacks to make breastfeeding and pumping easier?

I have compiled the best and most genius pumping hacks for you today! Check them out! 

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Pumping Bag Hacks, Tips and Tricks:

Breast Pump Fridge Hack

Use this next time saving pumping hack to get back on the clock quicker once you’re done pumping!

Instead of separating and washing every pump part, every time you pump, quickly rinse your just-used flange and connectors. Next, place them into a zip-lock bag and back into the fridge until the next session!

You can also use some Medela Quick Clean Wipes as a one time use substitute for recommended pumping kit cleaning practices.

Breast Milk Storage Hacks 

A freezer stash of breast milk is a wonderful thing. It alleviates so much pressure off of a mom to know the reserves are there. 

Storing your breast milk in the freezer, where space is usually already limited requires some careful planning. Because not everyone has an extra freezer hanging around to dedicate exclusively to breast milk.

Not saying that I haven’t witnessed families investing in an extra deep freeze just to house a massive freezer stash of breast milk.

The breast pumping bag hack in this scenario focuses on how you lay your breast milk bags to freeze.

The WRONG way to freeze your breast milk bags is by leaving them standing up.

I understand the thought process behind doing so, less opportunity for breast milk to leak this way.

However, once that bag of breast milk is frozen, it is about three times bulkier than it needs to be! This extra girth will quickly take up unnecessary room in your freezer.

Instead, lay the breast milk storage bags flat so you can later brick lay them in neat organized piles.

No-Spills Breast Milk Bag Hack 

This next hack is for the easy transfer of breast milk from bottle to bag. When I first saw this breast milk bag hack I couldn’t believe how simple and utterly genius it was! I also couldn’t figure out why I never though of it myself… huh.

Those breast milk storage bags are just not easy to pour liquids in to. By the way, us pumping moms have EVERY RIGHT to cry over spilled milk!

So from now on, instead of risking it all by attempting to pour your breast milk straight into the bag without any spills, use a breastshield as a funnel!

All you do for this hack, is place the thinner end of the breastshield in to the bag and pour your breast milk through the wide end straight in to the bag without any worries or spills, genius!

Qualify for FREE breast milk storage bags here!

Pumping Hacks at Night:

Sleep in Your Hands Free Pumping Bra

The way you successfully make pumping at night easier (and get the most sleep possible) is by cutting out as many added steps as possible to accomplish the task.

Sleeping in your hands free pumping bra helps eliminates some of those steps for you.

It may not be your preferred way to sleep, but if it means even an extra 10 minutes gained – it may be worth it!

Heating Breast Milk Hack

You’ve got your chilled breast milk with you for when baby gets hungry ten minutes into your outing. You are at Target and an impromptu bottle feeding is in order.

Giving your baby a cold bottle isn’t the best idea since it can upset little one’s tummy and you have a serious date with Target that needs to take place. 

I suppose you could stand in line at Starbucks (if your Target is that cool) and ask for a piping hot cup of water.

However, when this request is made – they rarely fill the cup to a level that my bottle of breast milk doesn’t force out all of the scaulding hot liquid everywhere. 

Here’s how to pull off the best heating breast milk while out hack:

Get a wide mouth thermos (like this one at Amazon) and fill it with boiling hot water from your electric kettle. Do this right before you leave the house. 

The water will stay piping hot for HOURS as long as the lid is sealed tight.

You can then place your ice cold bottle of breast milk into the thermos of hot water and it will be the perfect temperature in a jiffy!

I loved this breast milk heating hack so much, it was the only way I would heat my daughter’s bottles. It was faster, more convenient and always warmed the breast milk to the perfect temperature with no hot spots.

Breast milk heating in a thermos with the text breast milk heating hack and directions across the bottom.

Pumping Hacks to Pump More Milk:

These next pumping hacks focus on how to help you pump more milk. They are incredibly helpful and will likely be your favorite pumping tips in this post.

Put A Sock on it

I bet you never thought to put a sock on your bottle while you pump. Why would you do such a thing and how is this a pumping hack to help you pump more milk?

Its psychology.

Hiding the amount of milk being expressed from your view while you pump will help you feel less anxious. Hence, feeling more relaxed to allow for the possibility of multiple let-downs and therefore a greater milk output.

Change These Pumping Parts Hack

There is one pumping kit part in particular that can instantly help you pump more milk. The part I’m referring to is the valve and membrane.

This is the little plastic piece that resides on the end of the flange that goes into the bottle. There are valves and membranes (like these) or there are duckbill valves.

This small part is responsible for the suction strength of your breast pump. When compromised (even slightly) your suction can be significantly decreased. 

Plan on changing this part every 4-6 weeks. Or, if you notice less suction or milk output.

Learn more here: How to Use Breast Pump Parts and When to Change Them

Breast Pump Hacks

Here are a few awesome breast pump hacks you will for sure want to save for later!

Spectra Breast Pump Settings Hack

The stationary breast pump of choice for most of us seems to be Spectra.

With so many mamas opting for one of these cute pink, blue or mint green pumps, it makes sense that Spectra breast pump hacks are a popular search term.

First, you’ll find an infographic that demonstrates how to use Spectra’s settings to stimulate a letdown and continue to keep the milk flowing.

Don’t forget to click save this pin to refer to later!

Spectra breast pump settings hack infographic.

How to Find Hours Pumped on A Spectra Hack

The second Spectra breast pump hack will help you find your total pumping hours performed. For us exclusive pumpers this may be a mind blowing discovery.

The how-to card below shows you exactly what to do and can also be saved to your Pinterest account!

Pump icon for how to pump on a spectra

How to Find Total Pumping Hours on A Spectra Breast Pump

Yield: Pumping Pride
Active Time: 2 minutes
Total Time: 2 minutes
Difficulty: None
Estimated Cost: None

Here is a handy Spectra pumping hack! Figure out how many hours you have pumped on a Spectra all together.


  • Spectra Breast Pumps


  1. Power Button
  2. Letdown Button
  3. Cycle +
  4. Vacuum -
  5. Cycle -
  6. Vacuum +
  7. Letdown Button


Save this for later to your breastfeeding and pumping Pinterst board to always refer back to it when needed.

How to Get A Free Breast Pump

How are new moms getting FREE BREAST PUMPS?? 

I myself, now have 2 breast pumps I’ve completely scored for nothing out of pocket. This is a breast pump hack you’ve got to get in on.

You simply go to Aeroflow with this link, and fill out a form (takes 2 minutes) and that’s it! They will usually contact you via email or phone in a day or two if you quality through insurance. 

Willow Pump Hacks

You may be wondering how to save money on a Willow Pump.

The first place to look for sales is this page on their main website, this is where they always display the current promotions they have running.

Another economical option is their partnership with Affirm. With which, you may be eligible to pay monthly with a manageable payment plan.

definitely consider adding this pump to your collection if you can swing it!

Also check out if you qualify through insurance to cover a large portion of The Willow, find that form here.

I’d also like to put your eyes on a new wearable electric breast pump with a more economical price tag than the Willow. Check it out here and use the code LOVE10 for 10% off if you’re inclined to make a purchase!

BabyBuddha Breast Pump Hack

You may be a mama who doesn’t let anything slow her down – not even being hooked-up and milked for most of the day. If this you, I think you’ll find these pumping on-the-go tips refreshing.

The BabyBuddha portable breast pump paired with Freemie Collection Cups is your answer to hacking a more productive day while still getting in all of your pumping sessions!

This system gives you the ultimate freedom by eliminating the need for a power outlet. The Freemie’s allow you to pump without it all hanging out so to speak.

three black arrows pointing down.Use the code LOVEOURLITTLES10 at BabyBuddha for 10% off your total purchase. 

Cleaning Hacks for Breast Pump Parts:

Use a Salad Spinner 

Want your freshly washed pumping parts to dry faster? Did you know you can use a salad spinner, like this one at Amazon. 

All you do for this pump parts cleaning hack, is place your washed flanges or duckbills in the salad spinner and whip them up until they are dry!

And if you haven’t ever used a salad spinner, you’re in for a treat!

I find the experience quite satisfying! 

Rinsing Small Pumping Parts Hack

This exclusive pumping hack for those small pump parts was my go-to when I EP’d!

Those little parts, such as valves and membranes, would always be getting lost in the sink and drain when I would attempt to thoroughly rinse them after a good washing. 

This drove me nuts!

One day, while at Homegoods, I saw this adorable mini colander and the rest was history. I kept that itty-bitty colander in my sink and placed those little pump parts inside to rinse.

They never got lost down the drain again!

Sterilizing Pump Parts UV Bag Hack

Sanitizing pump parts can be a task.

It can also leave you with concerns that maybe you didn’t do a good enough job. And, that you could be unknowing harming your little one.

With a sterilizing UV bag, like this one from Pumpables, you can make this task a breeze and be assured it’s done right! 

Pumping Hacks at Work

Ok ladies, if you haven’t yet read my post on how to pump at work like a boss, you MUST head there next! Especially if you are a pumping and working mama!

If you are a breastfeeding and working mom, I commend you!

The dedication and sheer will it takes to keep up a breast pumping routine and the demand of a career must be challenging!

Which brings me to the first of my many pumping hacks for the mom who still has “mom brain” and forgets everything important except to check if the baby is still breathing one thousand times a night – sigh. 

Pump Straight Into the Bag Hack

Ah yes, you’ve managed to make it to work with matching shoes and socks on – woohoo!

Three to four hours has passed of blissful productive adult-ing and it’s now time for your first pumping session of the work day.

But wait – no, you didn’t forget your darn bottles!

What are you supposed to pump into now? 

Here is your life-saving pumping hack for when you forget the bottles to pump in to.

You can Macgyver yourself a milk collecting vessel with either a breast milk storage bag or any sanitary plastic bag and a rubber band.

Simply place the bag over the flange and valve, secure with a rubber band (what woman doesn’t adorn herself with a hair twisty bracelet) and pump on!

Now that you know this breast pumping bag hack, you never have to freak out when you forget the bottles again!

How to Store Breast Pump Parts at Work

When you don’t have time to wash all of your pump parts after a pumping session at work, you can use a large zip-lock plastic bag to store them in the fridge until the next pump.

Before you place them in the clean bag, you can choose to quickly wipe the used parts with Medela Quick Clean Wipes. 

Be aware however, that is NOT advised to rinse the parts before putting them in the bag as this could introduce bacteria.

Hands Free Pumping Hack for Work 

This next pumping hack for work is more of an introduction to a system that will make you feel like you’re cheating the hassle of pumping at work all together.

The Willow Breast Pump is a completely concealable and wearable breast pump perfect for the task of pumping hands free and cord free while at work!

This pump discreetly fits in any bra, (no pumping bra needed – woohoo!) and hides almost seamlessly under any top.

The ability to keep on your shirt while you pump at work is the best breast pumping hack you could ask for! No more nosey co-workers compromising your privacy.

Who knows, maybe you’ll even feel brave enough to pump at your desk or in anywhere in public with this set up, no more clocking out to pump! 

Wavelength font that reads "looks here!"Find pumping signs for work at my Etsy shop!

Pumping at Work Success

Hey mama, real quick – let me turn your attention to a great resource for breastfeeding moms who are returning to work.

You may be dreading this thought as it adds yet another layer of unknown responsibilities on top of your already long list of new things you’ve had to become a pro at!

If you are worried whatsoever about pumping while at work and maintaining your milk supply – please consider this online video course by Milkology, The Ultimate Back to Work Pumping Class.

The course covers all of the major and minor necessities of what pumping at work will require and helps you transition from breastfeeding at home to work with ease.

PSSST… If you choose to enroll in any of Milkology’s courses today through my links, I would love to also enroll you in my regularly updated “First Steps to Pumping Success Course” for FREE! Here are the details.

Best Pumping Hacks Conclusion  

There you have it mama, so many good breast pumping hacks and tips I know you will use! Every one of my posts are here to provide you with information, support and guidance throughout your entire motherhood experience. 

Please follow my accounts to connect more and to stay up to date when I launch more helpful content curated with you in mind!

Gotta have it freebie with 3 arrows pointing down and hearts.Instantly download 3 must-have pumping schedules and a daily-use pump log to help you stay on track!

A mock up of pumping schedules on an iPhone and a printed stack of pump logs.

Download Now!

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