Do Prenatal Vitamins Make You Gain Weight?

prenatal vitamins make you gain weight

Prenatal vitamins are recommended to help ensure a healthy pregnancy. When you visit the doctor to learn about your pregnancy, you are advised to begin taking prenatal vitamins. Many women are skeptical that these vitamins will cause them to gain weight, but there is no evidence that they will.

Understanding how prenatal vitamins work and how they help with pregnancy will allow you to make an informed decision about whether or not to take them. And will also assist you in determining whether they cause you to gain weight or not. Let us begin by defining prenatal vitamins.

What Exactly Are Prenatal Vitamins?

prenatal vitamins weight gain

Prenatal vitamins are supplements that contain all of the vitamins and minerals that a pregnant woman needs before and during her pregnancy. Folic acid is one of the most essential vitamins. Iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D, E, and B12 are among the other vitamins.

Ideally, all nutrients should be obtained through a healthy diet, but it is also recommended that you take prenatal vitamins as directed by your healthcare provider or midwife to fill nutritional gaps in your diet.

When Should You Begin Taking Prenatal Vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins should be started before you plan your pregnancy, ideally a month before conception, and should be continued throughout your gestation. Doctors recommend taking folic acid at least one month before you begin trying to conceive to aid in conception and create a healthy fetal environment.

You can also begin taking prenatal vitamins as soon as you find out you’re pregnant because the first few weeks are critical for fetal growth and development.

How Prenatal Vitamins Can Help?

advantages of prenatal vitamins

Because your unborn baby is completely reliant on you for all of the food and nutrients needed inside the womb, providing all of the essential nutrients is a major concern.

Prenatal vitamins are important because they provide your body with all of the nutrients it requires for your baby’s growth and development. They also aid in the creation of a healthy fetal environment. Prenatal vitamins can help you conceive faster and reduce your chances of miscarriage if you start taking them before you plan your pregnancy.

Taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy bridges the nutritional gap if your diet is deficient. With that, these supplements increase the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and reduce the risk of complications. Prenatal vitamins and minerals are a combination of various minerals and vitamins.

The following are some important vitamins and their associated benefits.

Folic acid:

The main vitamin in prenatal helps to reduce the risk of congenital disabilities and neural tube defects. It also aids in conceiving and maintaining healthy embryo growth during the early stages of pregnancy.  Doctors often suggest pregnant women take folic acid supplements before and after they become pregnant.


Iron is an important mineral that aids in the maintenance of hemoglobin levels. During pregnancy, a mother requires twice the amount of iron because iron intake is required to make extra blood. Low iron levels can cause complications, and the mother may develop a condition known as anemia. Iron deficiency is also harmful to a child’s development inside the womb and may result in premature birth.


Calcium promotes bone health. It is essential for the baby’s bone development and development, as well as the mother’s bone health. Calcium can be obtained from milk, yogurt, and cheese, but it is also necessary to take an extra calcium supplement to meet the requirement. When the body’s calcium reserves are depleted, the fetus begins to take calcium from the mother’s bone, which can lead to osteoporosis.

Vitamin D:

This vitamin is necessary because it aids in calcium absorption. Vitamin D also helps to maintain a healthy immune system. It is also essential for the health of the nerves and muscles.

Prenatal vitamins are not only good for the baby, but they also help pregnant women maintain healthy minds and body functions.

Healthy weight gain

doctor visit

Can prenatal vitamins make you gain weight? Do you have any thoughts on this? There is a widespread belief that prenatal supplements cause weight gain, but this is not supported by evidence.

As a woman’s pregnancy progresses, her body undergoes several physical changes, one of which is weight gain. Typically, you begin gaining weight in your second and third trimesters, which is due to the growing baby and expanding uterus rather than the prenatal. The amniotic fluid that surrounds your baby is also responsible for weight gain.

At the end of pregnancy, the blood volume also increases and doubles, resulting in weight gain. Furthermore, breast size increases, resulting in weight gain. That, satisfying your cravings also adds weight to your frame. Most pregnant women gain between 25 and 35 pounds during their pregnancy. The ideal weight gain during pregnancy varies by the woman and is usually determined by pre-pregnancy weight and BMI.

Side Effects Of Prenatals

Although prenatal vitamins do not cause weight gain, they do have other side effects. Some of the most common side effects of taking prenatal vitamins are nausea and constipation. It is recommended that you take your vitamins with your largest meal of the day to avoid nausea. Vitamin B6 can also help with nausea.

Iron is recommended to be taken with a vitamin C-rich beverage, such as orange juice or lemon water. To avoid constipation, your balanced diet should be high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. To reduce the side effects of prenatal, drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Another side effect of taking prenatal is dark stool; this is usually caused by iron supplements and is not a cause for concern.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, taking prenatal vitamins has numerous health benefits for both the mother and the baby. Because prenatal supplements have no caloric content, they do not cause weight gain. Prenatal vitamins, in fact, aid in the maintenance of a safe and healthy pregnancy and may reduce the risk of neural defects and premature birth.

It is recommended that you begin taking prenatal supplements as soon as you learn you are pregnant, with the advice of your healthcare provider. Along with these prenatal, a healthy pregnancy diet is essential. Remember that only a healthy mother bears a healthy child.


What should you avoid when taking prenatal vitamins?

Watch out for certain vitamins For instance, taking excessive amounts of vitamins A, C, or E can be harmful. Pregnancy is not the time to take these vitamins as supplements. Additionally, it’s advised to stay away from foods like liver and liver-derived products like pâté that may be extremely high in vitamin A

Can I take daily multivitamins while pregnant?

Certain multivitamins are created specifically for expectant mothers (prenatal multivitamins). However, they do not serve as a replacement for a balanced diet. Even if you take prenatal multivitamins, it’s still crucial to consume a balanced diet. Avoid using multivitamins not made for pregnancy if you are pregnant.

Can you still have a healthy baby without prenatal vitamins?

Nowadays, taking prenatal vitamins is essential. However, according to a study published on Monday in the journal Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin, they have no effect in reducing problems like early birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth.

What can I take to increase my red blood cells while pregnant?

You require 27 milligrams of iron each day while pregnant. Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy can also be avoided by eating a healthy diet. Lean red meat, chicken, and fish are dietary sources of iron. Dried beans and peas, dark green leafy vegetables, and breakfast cereals enriched with iron are further alternatives.

Can vitamins run your blood pressure up?

Your blood pressure shouldn’t be affected by daily routine supplements. If you use herbal medications, it’s vital to check each one for potential interactions with your blood pressure or any blood pressure meds you may be on. Some herbal treatments may alter blood pressure.

Can you eat leafy greens when pregnant?

Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, as well as broccoli, are prenatal superfoods that are stuffed with vitamins and nutrients including calcium, iron, folate, and vitamins A, C, and K. They include a lot of fiber and antioxidants, both of which can help with constipation.

Most women do not need to eat any extra food during the first six months in order to provide their babies with what they require. Around 2,000 calories per day are the recommended calorie intake for women. Depending on how active you are after you reach the third trimester, you might require an additional 200 calories.
