Does Your Stomach Make Noises In Early Pregnancy?

stomach noises early pregnancy

What’s that weird noise coming from your tummy? Wait! It’s definitely not your unborn baby crying inside the womb. You may hear some women reporting weird noises from their tummy in early pregnancy. If you have a similar experience, you are not alone.

It could be your tummy rumbling, or it’s just probably gas! Let’s find out.

What’s That Sound In The Tummy During Early Pregnancy?

stomach gurgling early pregnancy

There could be many reasons causing weird noises and sounds in your tummy. Usually, it’s gas, bloating, hunger, and the normal process of digestion that produces a sound, but during early pregnancy, you may be extra cautious of each change and sound.

Your body prepares for extra nourishment and care when life grows inside your womb. Thus, you can expect sounds and changes in how your body appears every day.

Consider the following:

  • Pregnancy is making you cautious. The usual sound comes from the stomach, but you are noticing it now because of the pregnancy.
  • There are liquids inside your stomach. There is also gas! When you are hungry, your stomach naturally makes noise as there is nothing to digest.
  • You experience morning sickness. There is nausea and vomiting, so you hear the sounds from the stomach as you won’t be able to keep the food down for long.

Usually, early pregnancy is not of much concern except for the morning sickness. Your body is adjusting to the new normal. Give it some time. However, when you are concerned about the gurgling or weird sounds from your stomach, it’s best to talk to your doctor and rule out the possibility of any underlying issue.

If you have constipation or if pregnancy is demanding a change in your diet that you don’t prefer, tell your health care provider about it. It’s best to consume healthy foods and avoid junk or anything that can affect your health during this time.

As time goes by and you enter the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, you will notice more changes.

You can expect digestion to slow down during pregnancy. You would also find yourself craving different kinds of foods.

What Can Help In Minimizing The Weird Noises During Early Pregnancy?

stomach making noises early pregnancy

When relying on a healthy diet, it would be easy to maintain your journey. However, during pregnancy, you must be mindful and watch what you put inside your mouth!

Consider the following:

  • Avoid fizzy drinks during pregnancy. If you are fond of fizzy beverages with caffeine, switch to Sprite, but consider it occasionally.
  • Limit your coffee intake. The caffeine intake for a pregnant woman must be under 200 mg. But it’s best to let go of tea and coffee during this time.
  • Avoid eating junk food and spicy food. Any food that causes bloating and gas won’t be ideal for you.
  • Drink plenty of fluids which means plenty of water. Aim for up to 96 ounces depending on your BMI.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet. Add fruits and vegetables to your diet. The doctor may also recommend prenatal vitamins to keep your pregnancy healthy pregnancy.
  • Instead of eating three large meals a day, you can consider small snacks five times a day. Try to see what works for you.

Taking care of yourself is the key when it comes to pregnancy and motherhood. The journey could be exhausting for nine months of pregnancy, but everything would make sense when you finally meet the baby. So, hold that image in mind and start caring for yourself today.

When to Contact A Doctor?

stomach growling early pregnancy

Call your doctor immediately if you have unbearable stomach cramps during pregnancy, leg cramps, or vaginal bleeding. It’s best not to take any chances, so when in doubt, contact your doctor or midwife to guide you in the right direction.


What to do if you have too much gas during pregnancy?

Make a list of what you eat and drink during the day. When you are mindful of your eating habits and choices, you can help yourself in many ways. But it’s always best to talk to your doctor when you experience new signs and symptoms that you find unusual or concerning.

What’s best to eat and drink during pregnancy?

A well-balanced diet that suits your health would be excellent. Your doctor can also recommend prenatal vitamins. Also, the doctor would advise you on what’s best to eat during this beautiful time. You can also list food items that you like and are healthy for you during this time.

Is tummy noises a common sign of pregnancy?

These noises from the tummy could be a common symptom of hunger, gas, or bloating. During pregnancy, your body prepares you to nourish the little human; thus, you may notice the sounds, but it’s hard to say exactly, and under such a scenario, it’s best to consider a pregnancy test. It can confirm your pregnancy when you miss a period.

What to do if nausea and vomiting make pregnancy challenging?

Some women experience nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, but for others, it could last through the remaining months. Your healthcare provider can suggest some remedies, and you can also try eating in small amounts instead of going for three large meals.

What’s important for expecting mothers to remember?

Pregnancy is different for everyone. However, you must know what’s okay to consume during pregnancy and what baby products would come in handy as the baby grows. Take breastfeeding and milk supply classes, or increase your knowledge about parenthood and babies. It’s okay to ask for help during this time as you are experiencing a new change in your life.

Wrapping It Up

The noises from your stomach could be because of gas, bloating, or a normal digestion process. You would notice these loud noises more because of pregnancy as you would be paying attention.

However, during pregnancy, your body prepares for more nourishment for the growing baby; thus, you may experience some changes and hear loud noises more than usual. For any questions or concerns, talk to your healthcare provider. Your doctor can guide you in the right direction.
