Is Castor Oil Safe While Breastfeeding? Find Out Now!
You may hear some women recommending castor oil for hair growth. True that you’re a mom, but you also care for your looks and may apply castor oil topically! But would it be safe?
Some people can suggest ingesting castor oil while breastfeeding. Would it be okay? You must know the answers to these questions. It’s best to consult your doctor for suggestions, medical care, and medical attention. Your healthcare provider knows the best.
But let’s explore more about castor oil and see if it’s suitable for breastfeeding moms. Read on for more information.
What Is Castor Oil?
Castor oil is a vegetable oil produced from castor beans obtained from the castor plant. Raw castor beans contain poisonous ricin proteins, which are harmful. However, the extracted castor oil from the beans is beneficial.
It’s useful in different industries. People use it as a laxative and apply it topically to enhance their beauty. Ingesting castor oil in large quantities can be dangerous, so it’s best to talk to a healthcare provider first when using it for children, the elderly, or pregnant women.
Ancient Egyptians have been said to use castor oil for inducing labor, and according to a 2017 study, castor oil was effective in inducing labor. But still, more research is required to understand the impact of castor oil. It’s also vital not to take it before 40 weeks of pregnancy.
It is important that a woman who previously had a C-section delivery must be mindful of consuming castor oil during her next pregnancy because castor oil tends to induce labor. It’s also a laxative that helps with infrequent bowel movements, so there could be an impact during the tender weeks of pregnancy.
Some people prefer using castor oil as a moisturizer as it helps lock moisture in the skin, dry skin, and irritated skin but it may only be ideal for some skin types. It’s also suitable for healing wounds.
Can You Use Castor Oil While Breastfeeding?
If you suffer from postpartum constipation while breastfeeding, you may consider castor oil, a laxative, but it’s best to talk to your healthcare provider if you are unsure and have never used it.
On the other hand, if you want to use castor oil topically for hair growth or the growth of your eyelashes, there is no scientific backing to support it. Thus, a lot depends on why you want to use the castor oil, and later you can decide whether it’s a viable option to consider while breastfeeding.
Castor seeds have ricin, which is toxic for humans, but the oil is purified, which makes it safe. However, it can still cause allergic reactions in some people. You would also hear people suggesting castor oil for stretch marks, but again there is no solid scientific backing to support the claim.
If you plan on using castor oil as a laxative, there is a chance that it can cause loose stools for the breastfed baby. There are also over-the-counter stool softeners and other medicines, but it’s always best to consult a professional to consider a product like this.
Castor oil can help with lactation, as massaging it on the nipples for fifteen minutes can help. However, washing the area with soap and water is vital before giving breast milk to your child. Also, consult your doctor or lactation consultant before you apply castor oil.
Ask your healthcare provider to guide you in the right direction when in doubt. For example, if your doctor recommends castor oil for constipation or uses it topically for any reason, you can consider it.
Bonus Tip:
Consider taking breastfeeding classes or find information on what’s best for breastfeeding moms. You can also talk to a lactation consultant to increase awareness of breastfeeding. In addition, your knowledge about baby products, milk supply, pregnancy trimesters, and things to do before a baby arrives can help you thrive as an amazing parent.
Can I use castor oil on my hair and eyelashes?
There is no scientific backing as to whether castor oil would suit hair growth or eyelash growth, but you would still hear people recommending the remedies. It’s best to rely on your doctor’s recommendations when you are expecting a child or nursing one.
Can I use castor oil while breastfeeding for constipation?
Castor oil is a laxative; thus, you would notice people recommending it for constipation. However, while breastfeeding, you must be extra mindful as what you consume directly impacts your baby.
Using castor oil in large amounts can lead to diarrhea, cramping, vomiting, and more. You can expect the same for your child if there is a reaction. So, always ask your healthcare provider before choosing castor oil while breastfeeding.
Can breastfeeding moms consume anything they like?
It’s best to ask a healthcare provider before consuming anything while breastfeeding. The food you consume and the products you apply impact your baby.
Eating, drinking, or using anything topically can pass into the breastmilk; thus, you must be aware of what’s safe for your child. You can also make a list of safe food, drinks, and creams for breastfeeding moms. With knowledge, things would become much easier to manage with a small baby.
Wrapping It Up
Castor oil can induce labor and is helpful as a laxative, so it’s essential to talk to your doctor first and then consider it while breastfeeding. What suits one person may not suit the other.
So, you need to ask your healthcare provider about using castor oil. You also need to highlight the reasons for using castor oil; for example, some prefer it for postpartum constipation, while others want it topically for stretch marks, hair growth, or growing eyelashes. There is a need for more research and scientific backing to consider castor oil during breastfeeding and the relevant benefits of castor oil.
Remember, your journey is unique! What works for you may not work for other moms. The goal is to take things slow and make the most of your time. If you find motherhood challenging, talk to other moms, ask questions, and let your doctor know about your feelings, especially during the postpartum period.