What Is 21 Day Fix While Breastfeeding?

21 day plan while breastfeeding

21 Day fix is a weight loss program that becomes difficult to follow while breastfeeding. As to produce sufficient milk, you must consume the proper portions of foods that are rich in fat and drink enough water. Your milk supply may suffer when you make dietary and eating changes.

Moms who are nursing need to be extremely careful when choosing a fitness and diet regimen to follow to ensure that they select something that works for their bodies.

Your body can burn up to 500 calories each day during nursing to create milk for the baby. When you initially start breastfeeding, you could experience extreme hunger and find yourself grabbing for anything that can be consumed quickly and easily.

While it is true that you need to consume more to maintain your milk supply. Many other factors can support healthy weight loss while maintaining your supply. You need to take into account your age and metabolism, how frequently you nurse, how much your child drinks, and how much water you consume.

In this post, we’ll tell you What the 21 Day Fix plan is and how can you make it work for you while breastfeeding. Keep reading!

What Is 21 Day Fix Plan?

As previously stated, the 21 Day Fix is a weight loss plan from Beachbody, a firm that sells items to customers through multi-level marketing. The nutrition program combines at-home exercises with portion-controlled healthy food.

The simple, short 30-minute routines come with adaptations for those who are new to fitness. The food plan is also very simple to follow! By utilizing the containers, you may determine your calorie target and then concentrate on eating wholesome meals and using the right portion proportions.

Adjustments Needed To Make The Plan Work For Breastfeeding Mothers

diet plan while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding mothers can certainly use the 21-Day Fix plan for weight loss. But they must make some adjustments to the healthy eating plan in order to nurse their babies. The following changes are required:

First and foremost, wherever you would normally fall, your food bracket should be one step higher. So, if your weight falls between 1200 and 1499, you should consume between 1500 and 1799 while you are nursing. You will have more than enough calories to continue nursing and breastfeeding with this boost of roughly 500 calories!

Water!! As a nursing mother, you already need to consume half your body weight in ounces of liquid to compensate for the amount of milk your body produces and the amount the baby is consuming. The objective is to avoid feeling thirsty since it indicates that you are already dehydrated.

Next, let’s chat about our green containers and vegetables! Beta-carotene, which is abundant in carrots, tends to be more important during lactation. A healthy source of carbs, carrots will also increase your potassium levels. Prepare your carrot snack while the baby is asleep. Peel and slice one bag of carrots at a time, and then keep them in the refrigerator for convenient nibbling. You can also indulge and get a bag of tiny carrots. But keep in mind that they are higher in sugar and that 10 baby carrots equal 1 serving.

Fennel is another frequently ignored vegetable that is rich in beneficial phytoestrogens. The fennel is well recognized for helping digestion and calming an upset stomach in addition to being excellent for breastfeeding and for people with unsettled stomachs. Fennel is unsuitable for you if you loathe black licorice or anise specifically.

Let’s speak about oats as we go into the carb or yellow container! Your milk production can be increased and maintained with oatmeal. Make sure you’re eating some oats, whether you enjoy a warm bowl of them in the morning or top your yogurt with granola. You probably know that oats may help regulate blood pressure and decrease cholesterol. But another fantastic advantage of eating oats is that they can increase your supply.

Although sesame seed bagels are tasty. You need more than a sprinkle to give your milk a lift and reap the benefits of this little but potent seed. You may add tahini, a delectable sesame-seed paste, to dishes and sauces to give them a Middle Eastern flavor. Sesame seeds are not only delicious, but they also contain a lot of calcium.

Another fantastic small snack that you can have on the move or in between breastfeeding, changing diapers, soothing tears, and starting again is made of healthy fats from almonds. You might occasionally feel a bit crazy when you’re a new mother.

The most common nuts for boosting milk are almonds, cashews, and macadamia nuts; they are also rich in antioxidants. Choose raw nuts whenever you can. The majority of commercially available nuts are excessively salted and oiled; wherever feasible, choose reduced-sodium or salt-free varieties. Let’s now discuss some FREE items you may include in your daily diet.

Ginger! When that tiny angel was still inside of you. Do you remember all the gingerale you drank to ease your stomach? Ginger is a popular milk-boosting food as well. Making ginger water to drink throughout the day or even just first thing in the morning is a terrific way to obtain this benefit AND ensure that you keep properly hydrated! To give it a bit more zing, you can also add it to fresh juice!

Garlic! You shouldn’t go crazy, because including garlic in your meals not only ups the yum factor but also increases milk production. For millennia, nursing or breastfeeding mamas have utilized garlic to enhance their milk production. Don’t like raw garlic? No worries, garlic tablets, which are readily accessible and are reported to have no flavor, can still provide similar advantages.

Aside from making dietary adjustments, always obtain your doctor’s approval before exercising. Because your doctor can tell you whether or not you can exercise.


The 21 Day Fix while breastfeeding is a program that focuses on making dietary changes to help increase milk production and improve overall health. Fennel, oats, sesame seeds, almonds, ginger, and garlic are all foods that can be included in the diet to help boost milk production. Exercise should also be approved by a doctor before beginning any program.

I hope you found this post useful and that you can now better care for yourself while caring for your baby.


