Why Do I Have Tater Tot Nipples After Pumping?
Are you looking for the term Tater Tot nipples and wondering what it means? Then you’ve come to the right place since this article defines tater Tot nipple. The term “Tater Tot nipple” refers to a condition in which the nipples grow inflated and expanded as a result of pumping.
This is particularly common while using the Willow Breast Pump for pumping milk. If you’re wondering about the reference to tater tots, it’s because the nipples become excessively enlarged and swollen as a result of utilizing the incorrect flange size.
When the flange is too large or too little, the additional space surrounding the nipples causes the nipples to swell and take the shape of a tater tot, hence the name tater tot nipples.
Willow Pump & Tater Tot Nipples
Willow pumps are related to the phenomena of Tater top nipples. The willow pumps come in three different flange sizes: 21 mm, 24 mm, and 27 mm, and selecting the correct flange size is critical to avoiding tater Tot nipples.
When you wear a flange size that does not fit properly on your nipple, especially a large flange, a space is generated around the nipple and when the suction takes place, the skin begins to swell and the nipples become so enormous that they take the appearance of a tater tot. This swollen and enlarged nipple is excruciatingly painful. This is also due to the willow pump’s constant suction pattern.
Most breast pumps use an intermittent suction pattern, which allows nipples to rest while still causing minimal harm to nipples during suction. The willow pump, on the other hand, uses strong, constant suction and remains latched on the nipple at all times, resulting in extreme swelling and enlarged nipples after a breast pumping session. Nipples can be bruised and cracked as well. This is usually caused by excessive suction and the use of the incorrect flange size.
How To Avoid Tater Tot Nipples
The remedy to Tater tot nipples is quite simple; you may avoid it by purchasing the correct flange size for your Willow breast pump. You may use their app to help you choose the proper size.
Users of the Willow breast pump recommend that you size down as close to the size of your nipple as possible. The areola will not be sucked into the flange, and the nipple will not expand as a result.
To express milk simply and successfully with the Willow breast pump, the flange must be exactly or almost exactly the size of the nipple. Willow breast pumps must be perfectly sized to protect you from Tater Tot nipples.
How To Heal Tater Tot Nipples
Try the following remedies to treat or recover Tater Tot Nipples:
- Apply nipple cream to the inflamed nipples to help them heal.
- Cold compresses can also be used to relieve nipples and minimize edema.
- Breast massage can help to reduce the effects of tater tot nipples.
- It is critical that you quit using the large flange of your willow breast pump and switch to a smaller size. You must use a flange size that comfortably fits your nipple.
- The Willow pump suction speed should be reduced. Set the pump suction to a comfortable pace for you.
- Try to give longer gaps in between breast pumping sessions in order to give nipples time to rest and heal.
- Wear a loose nursing bra to avoid rashes.
- You can take pain relievers to deal with the pain and swelling.
- Because breast milk includes healing characteristics, if you notice your nipples cracking, dab some breast milk over them.
Other Types Of Nipple Pain
Other than Tater tot nipples, there are a few other problems related to nipples or breasts you can experience during your breastfeeding journey including:
Breast engorgement:
This phenomenon happens when your breasts are too full of milk that they become hard, tight, and painful.
Sore nipples:
Breastfeeding mothers experience sore nipples or breast soreness due to many reasons. Excessive pumping and improper latch are among a few of the reasons for nipple soreness.
Thrush infection:
It is a contagious yeast infection that can infect your nipples causing nipple soreness and nipple cracks. You may also experience extreme pain in your nipples.
Mastitis is caused due to blocked milk duct. The milk is trapped in the breasts causing shooting pain and swelling in the breasts and nipples.
Improper latch:
A mother can also experience nipple and breast pain if the baby is not able to develop a proper latch.
General Tips Regarding Breast Pumping
Mentioned below are some general guidelines to follow when you start breast pumping:
- Do your research and invest in a good quality breast pump that suits your needs.
- For a first-time mom, practice using a breast pump. You can also check an online video on how to use a breast pump.
- Learning and using the breast pump can take some time so don’t get worried if you are unable to achieve expressing a large quantity of breast milk.
- Massaging breasts before pumping can help maximize milk production.
- You must calm yourself and try to relax when you start breast pumping.
- Find your comfort zone. You can also use a breast pump when you are breastfeeding. It helps save time as well as the extra milk letdown.
- For maximum production of breast milk, it is ideal if you establish a pumping routine.
- Use nipple cream and cooling nipple gel pads to protect your nipples from soreness and swelling.
General Breast Care While Breast Pumping
Here are some tips to care for your breasts when you are breastfeeding or breast pumping:
- Make sure your hands are properly washed before you touch your breasts.
- Always use a clean and sterilized breast pump.
- Do not use soap or any other shower gel on your breast and nipples. You should only wash your breasts with water.
- You must change your breast pads or breast shields when they become moist.
To summarize, when using Willow breast pumps, it is recommended that you use the correct size flange that suits your nipple. Also, make sure the suction setting is set to the lower side.
I hope this post was informative and that you are now aware of the term Tater Tot nipples as well as how to avoid them. If your nipples do not improve, it is advised that you visit your midwife or breastfeeding specialist.