Can You Eat Egg Salad While Pregnant? Find Now

eat egg salad while pregnant

Egg salad and other comparable cold deli salads, which are frequently pre-made, are more prone to spread foodborne illnesses like listeria or Shigella than other foods. As a result, you might be unsure whether eating egg salad is okay while pregnant.

When freshly made at home or purchased, egg salad is safe for women who are pregnant. Avoid eating any deli salads, including egg salad, that were made on-site at a deli, grocery shop, or restaurant due to an elevated risk of harmful microorganisms.

This article will give you additional details on egg salad, including how to cook it safely at home, if egg salad sandwiches are safe, and more!

Is eating egg salad safe when pregnant?

egg salad while pregnant

As long as the egg salad was freshly made at home, it is acceptable to consume while pregnant. Egg salad prepared in a deli or restaurant lacks preservatives, which increases the likelihood that it can spread foodborne illness. Pregnant women are especially vulnerable to foodborne diseases.

Store-bought salads could potentially include viruses including Listeria monocytogenes, Shigella, and others that could seriously complicate your pregnancy. However, egg salad that is prepared commercially and sold in grocery stores is acceptable to consume while pregnant and can be kept in the refrigerator for three to five days.

It is not required to use pasteurized eggs when preparing your own egg salad because the eggs in it are fully cooked. Although pasteurized eggs are safer for you to eat while pregnant, it is preferable to choose them when buying a carton of eggs from the supermarket.

Make sure to fully hard boil the eggs when making your own egg salad at home. When making traditional egg salad at home, use caution to prevent cross-contamination. First, keep the egg salad separate from any raw or undercooked meat, eggs, or poultry.

This step is crucial because, since the egg salad isn’t cooked after it’s been made, eating it could expose you to harmful bacteria from raw meats and eggs, which can lead to foodborne disease.


Listeriosis is a type of food illness that affects pregnant women frequently. The disorder, which can cause serious illness and even miscarriage, is caused by a bacteria called Listeria, the USDA cautions. The organization also notes that egg salad, particularly egg salad made in delis and supermarkets, can contain Listeria. These salads frequently sit in big tubs that are occasionally left open to the air. This might make it more likely for bacteria to grow.


Researchers reported in the journal “Canadian Family Physicians” in 2010 that the frequency of instances of food poisoning connected to eggs had decreased. They do, however, note the likelihood of Salmonella contamination in 1 in 10,000 to 30,000 eggs. This organism can cause salmonellosis, a bacterial infection that can affect a developing baby. Salmonella is not found in egg salad made with pasteurized eggs, such as tinned egg salad from the shop. Bacteria are destroyed by pasteurization.

Biotin deficiency

Eating raw eggs, according to the Linus Pauling Institute, can interfere with biotin absorption. Avidin, a protein found in raw egg whites, attaches to biotin in the stomach, preventing it from being absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Cooking eggs eliminates avidin, lowering your chances of getting a biotin deficiency. Although biotin deficiency is uncommon, it can cause hair loss and skin rashes.

Bioavailability of protein

Cooking raw eggs boosts the protein’s bioavailability. According to a 1998 research published in the “Journal of Nutrition,” 51 percent of the protein included in raw eggs is bioavailable, which means that your body can only absorb about half of the protein in a raw egg. Cooking the egg, on the other hand, raises the bioavailability of egg protein to 91 percent, making cooked eggs a considerably superior source of accessible protein than raw eggs.


Eggs are a great source of protein and other essential nutrients for pregnant women. However, it is important to ensure that the eggs are cooked thoroughly before eating them.

Pregnant women should avoid consuming raw or undercooked eggs as they may contain salmonella germs which can be harmful to both mother and baby. Additionally, it is important to check that the eggs are fresh before consuming them.


Q1: How many cooked eggs can a pregnant woman eat per day?

There are no restrictions on the number of eggs you can consume when pregnant. Eggs are an especially essential nutrient food for pregnant women, so you can eat them every day of your pregnancy as part of a well-balanced healthy diet that includes a variety of foods such as vegetables, fruit, and whole grains.

Q2: Is it safe to eat eggs when pregnant?

Eggs are versatile and a rich source of protein, supplying amino acids that you and your unborn baby require. They include a variety of vitamins and minerals, including choline, which is beneficial to a baby’s brain development. However, avoid eating raw or undercooked eggs.

Q3: Can a pregnant woman eat two eggs each day?

You can acquire the protein and vitamins you need while pregnant by eating two eggs every day. Eggs’ high protein content can also aid in reducing pregnancy symptoms including frequent food cravings, fatigue, and quick weight gain.

Q4: Can you eat an omelet when pregnant?

The quick answer is that yes, as long as the eggs are boiled and pasteurized, they are okay to consume during pregnancy.

Q5: Can a pregnant woman eat boiled eggs?

As long as the eggs are fully boiled or pasteurized, they are acceptable for pregnant women to consume. While pregnant women can eat cooked eggs, they should be aware that foods like aioli, homemade mayonnaise, cake batter, and mousse contain raw eggs and should be avoided.

Q6: Why pregnant can’t consume a partially boiled egg?

It is not advisable to consume soft-boiled or raw eggs while you are pregnant since they may contain salmonella germs. Your immune system adapts throughout pregnancy so that its primary function is to defend your unborn child. You could therefore be more vulnerable to getting salmonella food poisoning as a result.

Q7: Is it OK to eat over-medium eggs when expecting?

Yes, eating eggs that are above medium while pregnant is safe. There are a few considerations, though, just as there are with any diet during pregnancy. To begin with, confirm the eggs you are consuming are fresh. Bacteria that can damage you and your unborn child may be present in eggs that have been left out or that have passed their expiration date.
