Can You Get Lipo While Breastfeeding?
Many women want to know how their cosmetic procedures would be affected during breastfeeding. After giving birth, the majority of women develop some extra fat deposits, and some of these women struggle to lose weight despite diet and exercise.
Additionally, there may be some sagging skin; in this situation, post-pregnancy liposuction may be the best option. However, is it safe to get lipo while breastfeeding? Let’s find out in this article.
Can you get lipo while breastfeeding?
Women are increasingly choosing to undergo Vaser (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) liposuction surgery. It basically is a plastic surgery procedure used to get rid of extra body fat. Other names for it include body contouring, lipo, and lipoplasty. It is regarded as a common choice for cosmetic surgery.
Liposuction is performed on patients to alter their body’s shape or features. They are looking to get rid of extra fat from their thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms, neck, and back. They typically have tried a healthy diet and exercise but are unable to lose these fat deposits.
Liposuction is not a treatment for losing weight. Before contemplating it, talk to your doctor because there are significant risks and potential complications. The cost of liposuction is even less of a barrier when there are payment plans available. But what are the dangers, particularly for mothers who are breastfeeding?
Risks related to liposuction while breastfeeding
Making wise decisions regarding whether the risks of undergoing liposuction while breastfeeding outweigh them requires knowledge. With certain crucial data, the following provides a clearer insight to help with the process.
It affects the mother-child relationship
Vaser liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical treatment. A mother cannot, however, start breastfeeding her child again while she is recovering. If the loss of intimacy and relationship between parent and kid is a vital part of caring for the mother, it is a highly personal choice. Before moving forward with liposuction plans, breastfeeding should not be disregarded and should be carefully considered.
The child is exposed to infections
Breastfeeding mothers who get liposuction run the additional danger of increasing their child’s exposure to a wide range of infections and diseases, which can have disastrous long-term repercussions on health and well-being. Neglecting this vital boost to immunity throughout a child’s first six to twelve months of life can have serious repercussions.
A child’s immune system is affected
A crucial component of a newborn’s immunity during the first few weeks after birth is the beneficial flora in their intestinal system, which is lacking in newborns. This raises the possibility of exposure to microbes before their immune systems are fully developed.
Immunity from the mother to the kid is naturally transmitted through breast milk. It aids in a child’s immune system’s development so that it is more robust, resistant, and open to immunization. It is one of the best things you can do to provide a newborn with a strong foundation for life.
Advantages of breastfeeding for mothers
The advantages for the mother are equally significant. According to ongoing research, breastfeeding greatly lowers a woman’s risk of developing some cancers, including breast and ovarian cancer.
Understanding how hormonal changes in a woman’s body assist prevent and protect nursing women from ovarian cancer is now being researched. Both before and beyond menopause, nursing continues to have positive effects on women.
Other potential risks to the mother
Liposuction is a significant procedure that carries a number of hazards. Prior to getting liposuction, it’s crucial to go over all the dangers with your doctor.
The following are some surgical risks:
- Injuries to other organs
- Anesthesia complications
- Nerve damage
- Shock
- Death
How long should I wait to have lipo after pregnancy?
The impact of the bodily changes that occurred can take up to a year for your body to reverse after birth. Pregnancy hormones can take up to a year to normalize, and it may take some time for your body to return to its regular routine.
Is lipo safe?
Each of the above liposuction methods carries some risks, as is the case with all surgical procedures. Your plastic surgeon will be able to clearly outline any dangers of the type of liposuction you select during your consultation. However, in general, liposuction is regarded as a safe surgery, and if you carefully adhere to your post-operative instructions, there are very rarely any major consequences.
How long will it take to recover?
Individual recovery differs, but generally speaking, most patients can resume desk work and light activities a week or two following treatment. You might feel sore and swollen for a little while longer than this, and you’ll be told to avoid doing any vigorous exercise for at least a month. To speed up recovery and avert difficulties, it’s crucial to strictly adhere to all post-operative instructions.
Is it painful after the procedure?
Given that liposuction is a surgical cosmetic treatment, the initial few days of your recuperation will include some swelling, soreness, and discomfort. Most patients claim to experience post-operative pain for up to four or five days, but it quickly goes away and any discomfort that lasts can be readily handled.
Does liposuction remove cellulite?
Cellulite is the skin’s puckered look brought on by aging and excess weight loss. Although liposuction enhances the body’s shape, it does not always get rid of the skin’s pre-existing mild “puckering,” or “cellulite,” as it is sometimes called. Liposuction does slightly lessen the amount of cellulite. But it is unlikely to make a noticeable difference or get rid of it entirely.
Final thoughts
Overall, there are good reasons to think about postponing Vaser liposuction surgery until the baby has been weaned. And the visible results will give longer-lasting aesthetically pleasing results. Benefits to the immune system of breastfed babies as well as the overall reduction in some forms of cancer are two such reasons.
Clearly, there are other aspects to take into account in addition to liposuction costs and aesthetic value when considering whether or not to have the surgery done given the potential risks for breastfeeding mothers. Being well-informed will go a long way in assisting a nursing mother in deciding whether the danger of liposuction is worth the price.