Best Handsfree Pumping Options: Wearable and Concealable Pumps

Are you a pumping mama or maybe soon to be one?

If so, you are like most women on the hunt for a better and simpler way to pump. 

Every woman who is pumping breast milk regularly should have a handsfree pumping option, that is a breast pumping essential!

This article is going to introduce you to the best concealable and handsfree pumping options that require no pumping bra!

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Why Handsfree Pumping?

Moms are busy and are usually constantly on the go, especially if they have more than one child.

Pumping breast milk is a demanding sacrifice and requires ALOT of dedicated time-outs during the day to get the job done.

If you are exclusively pumping, you are very aware of how much pumping consumes your entire day.

Which is why finding a more efficient way to pump would be a game changer.

Not only would you be able to have a life beyond your pumping station, but the efficiency of a handsfree pumping system like this may actually help you get to your breast pumping goals without developing a certain distain for your breast pump!   

  • You could pump in public and be the ultimate on-the-go, multi-tasking pumping mama.
  • Less worries about attracting attention while pumping in public.
  • Pump discreetly anywhere and at anytime.
  • Keep your shirt on while you pump – huge plus!
  • You may be more likely to pump for longer and more frequently once some the main inconveniences of pumping is eliminated.
  • You could eliminate stress while pumping at work around your co-workers and maybe even pump at your desk without anyone knowing – no clocking out to pump = mo’ money!

What is A Hands-Free Breast Milk Collection System?

A breast milk collection system is the bottles, flanges and parts that connect together to catch your pumped breast milk.

You can technically make any of these breast milk collection systems handsfree with a pumping bra. However, these particular native kits are anything but discreet.

They can be extremely cumbersome, bulky and impossible to pump in public without attracting alot of unwanted attention anyway

What are Your Hands-Free Pumping Options?

When it comes to your handsfree pumping options, there are really only two categories.

Category one, is a portable breast pump (which is usually small and mobile) and a pumping kit (either native or concealable).

You also have handsfree AND wearable breast pumps that require no additional pumping kits to make them concealable. You are going to see at all of those options today!

To further elaborate, a traditional handsfree breast milk collection system requires you to wear an uncomfortable pumping bra. On top of that, the flanges end up protruding 4 inches or more beyond your chest. 

That doesn’t really sound like it fits in the concealable category. Unless you are wearing a 7 layer winter jacket, EVERYONE is going to see your pumping kit in action.

Even so, using the native kit that came with your breast pump and a handsfree pumping bra is going to be your most affordable option. 

However, it may not always be the most convenient for all circumstances and if you want better for yourself, keep reading to see a plethora of hands-free pumping options.

Best Hands-Free and Wearable Breast Pumps

Let’s now examine the wireless, handsfree breast pump options that are completely wearable under your sports or pumping bra!

Willow Breast Pump

Now, if we want to truly talk about a concealable breast pump, this wearable breast pump is your girl.

The Willow is an all-in-one pumping system with the motor being compact enough to fit right inside your sports bra.

It’s no wonder why more and more milk makin’ mamas are opting for these super concealable, wearable and wireless breast pumps. 

You can find and shop for your Willow wearable breast pump here.

Pssst…Willow now offers Affirm to help you set up manageable monthly payments too!

You could also check with Aeroflow to see if you qualify for a free breast pump with the option to upgrade to a Willow.

Elvie Pump

Here’s another silent and wearable breast pump with complete concealable and handsfree pumping capabilities. In fact, there really is not much difference between the Elvie and the Willow. 

The Elvie does hold slightly more milk than the Willow, but it is more prone to spills than the Willow is. 

Either way, it’s another great option for simple hands-free pumping.

5 Levels Wearable Pump S9

Finally, we have the wearable electric breast pump by Mom’s Pump. I saved this one for last because it is the most economical of the three choices.

Does that mean it’s not as fancy or compact as the first two wearable pumps, yes. However, don’t count this lower-priced pump out yet!

The reviews for this wearable breast pump are exceptional! 

Pictured: S9

Product image of mom's pump wearable electric breast pump

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Where and When Can You Use a Hands-Free Pump?

The best times to use a handsfree breast pump would be anytime you want to multi-task while you pump.

For instance, pumping while driving is a perfect example of when hands-free pumping would be an ideal set-up.

While a traditional bottle and flange set-up is totally doable for pumping and driving, a less bulky and inhibiting kit would be better and safer.

Anytime you want to pump on the go or in public is a great time to wear your hands-free and concealable breast pump.

Concealable Hands-Free Pumping Kit Options

If you like the idea of handsfree pumping, but not the thought of a bulky pumping kit inhibiting your mobility, then you should find these concealable pumping kit options helpful.

One thing to be aware of about these non-native pumping kits – is that you may need to protect your breast pump from breast milk being sucked into the motor.

You can do that with these inexpensive backflow protectors available at Amazon.

Freemie Closed System Collection Cups 

If you haven’t yet discovered Freemie Collection Cups, they literally do what they are called – set a mama free! You can literally pump anywhere in these and for the most part, no one will know!

To further elaborate on Freemie Collection Cups, you should know that are two different versions available. There is a closed-system and an open system.

The closed system Freemies means that no milk can back-flow into the pump and ruin it. This system is much simpler to assemble since no backflow protectors need to be hacked onto this particular kit.

The best part about Freemie Collection Cups is that they are capable of being placed into any snug-fitting sports bra, so no pumping bra required!

If you are looking for a completely hands-off milk collecting system, these cups would be a great option. 

Pictured: Freemie Collection Cups

concealable and hands-free pumping option the freemie collection cups

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YOUHA Breast Milk Collection Cups

These closed system breast milk collection cups are very similar to the Freemie Collection Cups. They function in much the same way.

They are compatible with some Medela, Spectra and Avent breast pumps. One of the biggest differences between the YOUHA cups and Freemie’s is the price.

YOUHA’s are about half the price of the Freemie Closed System Cups.

Pictured: YOUHA Closed System Breast Milk Collection Cups

Youha closed system breast milk collection cups.

Available at Amazon

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Haakaa Manual Breast Pump and Shells

These silicone milk collectors are in a little bit of a different category, but they still deserves a mention none the less.

For one, they are capable of pulling milk out of your breasts using suction. The Haakaa shells are also capable of being concealable due to their small cup-like shape.

They are also extremely portable, quiet and hands-free when in use.

Pictured: Haakaa Breast Pump and Shells Combo

Haakaa silicone breast pump and shells combo product image.

Available at Amazon

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Spectra Hands-Free Cups

Now, let’s briefly look at the Spectra Handsfree Cups. When I saw that Spectra came out with a concealable pumping kit option, I was excited.

In my research for this post, I found it extremely difficult to find a well-recognized place to purchase them. It appears as though these Spectra Cups are made by a Korean-based company are not currently sold in the US.

Update: I was contacted by a seller on Ebay who carries them! You can now find the Spectra Handsfree (CaraCups) on Ebay through this link!

Check out my full Spectra Handsfree CaraCups review with assembly steps, tips for use and tons of useful tricks!

Best Portable Breast Pumps

I’m sure by now you are thinking this all sounds amazing and who wouldn’t invest in a pumping kit like this, but what breast pump would be best to use with either one of these kits?

The goal is to maintain discretion while you pump so you can literally pump anywhere and at anytime. The best breast pump for this purpose is a cordless, compact and quiet pump that you can toss in a small bag and connect with ease.

Genie Plus Portable Breast Pump

My recommended pump for this type of concealable pumping is the Genie Plus. This breast pump is sleek and compact, making it ideal to travel with. 

It’s also powerful, which speeds up the time needed on the pump to fully empty your breasts.

The Genie Plus is also quiet, giving it another gold star for the best breast pump for concealable pumping.

Text that says check this out with pink hearts.To get your hands on this portable breast pump and a 10% discount, use this link to purchase.

BabyBuddha Portable Breast Pump

Another awesome portable breast pump is the BabyBuddha (here is a 10% off discount code).

Mom’s love this slender littler breast pump because it’s super powerful, yet extremely mobile. You can literally hang it from your neck and go about your day.

Do note that the BabyBuddha does need to be paired with backflow protectors if you are using any other native pumping kit with it to make it concealable. 

You can find all of the component hacks for BabyBuddha with diagrams at their website here.

Pictured: BabyBuddha Breast Pump

BabyBuddha best breast pump for pumping on the go

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Medela Freestyle Flex Breast Pump

This hands-free and portable breast pump makes the list as the most pricey option. However, it does come as a closed system. Which means, no fussing with back flow protectors or extra parts!

The Freestyle is also known for it’s comfort and ease of use.

If lucky, you may be able to snag it on sale. Even as I’m writing this, it’s currently 20% off at Amazon!

How to Pump Without a Pumping Bra

For a lot of women, pumping at work is where a good amount of their “pumping in public” pumping sessions happen.

Many of these women complain about having to wear their pumping bra to work and throughout the day to help save time and make their pumping session breaks go as efficiently as possible.

Most hands-free pumping bras are not that comfortable, nor do they provide the seamless under garment look we prefer.

So, instead of using a traditional pumping set up, where you have to switch out your normal bra for a pumping bra and sit there with no shirt on, try a hands-free and concealable pumping kit.

These innovative breast pumping kits allow you to forgo the hassle and time consuming restraints of a pumping bra. These systems even let you keep your shirt on! 

The simplicity and freedom a hands-free pumping kit offers is just too good to pass up!

Instantly download 3 vital pumping schedules and a daily-use pump log to help you stay on track!

In Conclusion

Every pumping mom can benefit from the freedom and efficiency of a concealable and hands-free pumping kit or breast pump.

Because having the right set up for pumping can be a huge game changer for accomplishing your breastfeeding or exclusive pumping goals.

I introduced you to some incredibly cool and innovative hands-free pumping options today that would instantly simplify pumping at work, pumping on the go and pumping in public.

There’s no reason for a pumping mom to be trapped to the wall anymore or have to expose herself unwanted-ly in order to pump breast milk.