Is It Safe To Ride A Motorcycle While Pregnant?

safe to ride a motorcycle while pregnant

Some actions during pregnancy are considered controversial, and there are numerous opposing viewpoints. In this sense, motorcycling and pregnancy are two terms that, despite their apparent incompatibility, are likely to be valued by each individual.

To determine whether riding a motorcycle while pregnant is dangerous or what the hazards and repercussions of riding a motorcycle while pregnant are, we have prepared this article to shed some light on such a controversial topic.

Is It Safe To Ride A Motorcycle While Pregnant?

Obstetricians and gynecologists agree that a woman can ride a motorcycle while pregnant without harm. There is no medical evidence that motorcycle vibrations are harmful to the fetus or can cause abortion, as numerous urban tales claim.

Initially, any mode of transportation is permitted during pregnancy as long as the risks that can affect anybody, not just pregnant women, are eliminated. You can even ride a quad or jet ski while pregnant, as long as the vehicle is kept at a moderate or reasonable speed and care is taken to avoid bumps and accidents.

Motorcycles and pregnancy always have to go hand in hand with safety. If you plan to ride a motorcycle while pregnant, be sure you have all of the appropriate safety gear or protective gear. Always wear a helmet, protectors, and proper clothing.

However, for the protection of the mother and the fetus, it is recommended that motorcycles and other modes of transportation be avoided during pregnancy. Riding a motorcycle, like other sorts of physical activity that can interfere with pregnancy, is risk-free in the first few weeks, but some precautions must be taken as the pregnancy advances.

When To Stop Riding A Motorcycle During Pregnancy?

ride a motorcycle while pregnant

Many pregnant women have no trouble riding a motorcycle in the first trimester if their pregnancy is not problematic. The crucial thing is to minimize dangerous circumstances while ensuring great safety. Whether the motorcycle is driven in an urban environment or out on the road. But, how far into your pregnancy can you drive?

It is recommended that after the first trimester, future mothers avoid some activities that may be more vigorous, such as horseback riding, cycling, or biking. So that there are no complications that could influence the proper development of the baby.

Remember that your baby will be born in just a few months. As with pregnancy, many other restrictions are not necessarily dangerous but could affect the health of the unborn child. Examples include taking baths by filling the bathtub, eating raw food, and riding a motorcycle during these months.

Risks Of Riding A Motorcycle While Pregnant

motorcycle while pregnant

Riding a motorcycle in the first trimester of pregnancy is more comfortable. But as the volume of the belly increases, it becomes considerably worse. Let’s see what are the risks factors and drawbacks of riding a motorcycle while pregnant.

1. Risk Of Accident

A motorcycle is more likely to be involved in an accident than other types of vehicles. In the event of a collision, fatal injuries are exacerbated because you do not have the same level of protection as you would if you were in a car.

A fall from a motorcycle, no matter how slowly it is moving, might result in the loss of the fetus, a premature birth, or even difficulties in the child’s development. If you do not go safely, it is better not to risk riding a motorcycle.

2. Awkward Position

The position on the bike becomes increasingly unpleasant as the size of the gut grows. When you’re straddling, the bump cushioning isn’t as good as it is in other vehicles, and it can injure you.

When the pregnant belly begins to grow, you cannot hold on well, whether you are a co-pilot or driving a motorcycle. The weight is multiplied at fast speeds, and the force required to maintain the posture is greater. Thus the physical integrity of the woman can be compromised considerably more than in a normal state outside of pregnancy.

3. Pregnancy Discomforts

Keep in mind that throughout pregnancy it is common to suffer pain, discomfort, dizziness, and tiredness. All of these things can have a negative impact on safe driving. If you don’t feel fully comfortable or safe riding a motorcycle, you should avoid it. You may produce anxiety symptoms, which, as you are aware, have an impact on the fetus.

4. Weather Exposure

When you ride a motorcycle, you expose yourself to weather changes more easily. To the cold of winter, the rain, or the heat of summer; something that is not advisable for your health, and that also affects your future baby.

In the first months of pregnancy, you can ride a motorcycle. But if you are looking for the comfort of your little one, it is better to avoid it as much as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can a bumpy ride harm a pregnant woman?

There is no proof that a bumpy vehicle ride would endanger your infant. Your pelvis, belly muscles, and the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby provides ample cushioning and protection.

2. Can a trip result in a miscarriage?

The womb is a highly secure place for your child to be since it is gravity-free. A miscarriage cannot be brought on by simple jerks, movements, climbing stairs, driving, or a form of exercise routine.

3. How should I sit while riding a motorcycle during pregnancy?

Pregnancy-friendly motorcycle riding involves sitting astride the motorcycle with your head straight and your lower back and belly support.

Final Thoughts

There has been no research to prove that riding a motorcycle while pregnant is detrimental to either the mother or the unborn baby.

On the other hand, the size of your stomach, discomfort, or exhaustion may be factors that drive you to prefer not to use this mode of transportation.

Always seek medical advice from a professional, as they will be able to inform you if they believe that riding motorcycles is unsafe for you or that it would be harmful to you to travel on one.
