A Dream Luxury Wish List for Baby You Gotta See!
Mamas to be, are you ready to indulge in a fun and totally excessive wish list for baby?
They say to be practical when you are just starting a family and how crucial being frugal is.
However, I like to give first time moms big eyes when it comes to making their baby’s wish list a little EXTRA.
So stick around and have some fun while we look at some baby wish list items you’ll be drooling over.
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10 Most Expensive Wish List Products for Baby
As a new mom myself, I knew most of what I was putting on my wish list probably wasn’t going to earn any extra points with my baby.
Mostly, I wanted what I wanted because I felt like I needed it, I wanted to have that peace of mind to calm those anxious first time mom hormones down.
So, don’t feel bad or guilty for wanting baby items you may not need or even use for that matter!
1. Snoo Smart Sleeper
Let’s start this luxury wish list for baby off with the ultimate splurge and drool over the Snoo Smart Sleeper bassinet.
Isn’t it dreamy?
This lovely piece is not only a designers dream baby bed, but it has built in technology to actually rock your baby to sleep for you!
The price for this bad boy starts at a grand, but I believe you can also rent these for a much more practical price.
Available at Amazon
2. DockATot Baby Loungers
Don’t be like me and almost miss out on amazing baby products because they are a premium price.
I had the DockATot on my baby wish list the whole time I was pregnant, but I could not justify spending the money on it.
Thankfully, one last shopping trip to Target with my mom before my baby was born and there it was, the last one left on the shelf and I impulsively bought it!
With the encouragement of my mother of course.
It’s funny how eager other people are to spend your money lol!
The DockATot has been hands down the most used baby item I had on my first time mom wish list.
It has been worth every penny and has served us well for going on 13 months now and I’m certain it will continue to.
So mama, I’m giving you the green light, this is a first baby wish list item you will not regret buying!
If you have hesitancies about the DockATot, you can
3. Halo Bassinet
Here is another pricey baby item that you may be salivating at the thought of having. The Halo Bassinet is the ultimate in safe-sleep luxury for mom and baby.
This is a first baby wish list item you may not use for the long haul, but the peace and comfort it provides may be worth the splurge.
4. MamaRoo
This high-tech baby swing is still one of the most popular baby items to have on your first time mom wish list.
Sure, there are other baby swings at a fraction of the price, but the theme of this post is to give you the courage to buy the baby things you really want anyway, instead of regretting that you didn’t later!
Available at Amazon
5. Bloom High Chair
This next luxury baby item would intrigue any ultra-modern and sci-fi loving mom or dad. As you can see, the aesthetic of this baby high chair is very different from anything traditional you are used to seeing.
The price tag is also something you don’t usually see on a high chair.
6. Stokke Xplory Stroller
Can we just admire how pretty this stroller is – big googly eyes over here!
I’m writing this luxury wish list as I’m 33 weeks pregnant and it’s making me want to pull out my credit card!
7. Baby Brezza Formula Dispenser
Is there space next to your Keurig?
If so, the Baby Brezza may be the next best luxury baby item to own.
This baby wish list item is for moms who plan to feed their baby a good amount of formula and the Baby Brezza makes that chore a breeze!
Available at Amazon
Related Reads:
- Baby Stuff You Won’t Use – Buy This Instead!
- Ultimate List of Baby Registry Must-Haves for Target
- Amazon Baby Registry Checklist and Guide on How to Set it Up
8. Medela Symphony Breast Pump
Continuing on with the most expensive baby feeding products, this legit hospital grade breast pump had to make the list!
If you end up pumping at the hospital, you may get lucky enough to try this immaculate suctioning mommy machine.
And, if you happen to have the funds and are set on providing baby with your pumped milk, this luxury breast pump will only put you back 2 G’s!
9. Gucci Diaper Bag
Your diaper bag will become your most-used accessory for a long time after baby is born. It will take on the roll of purse, snack dispenser, blow-out back-up plan and more.
So, if you want to see a luxury diaper bag, only a real housewife of Bravo would consider practical. Check out this one by Gucci!
Available at Amazon
10. Primo Viaggio Car Seat
The last luxury item on this extreme and most expensive baby wish list you’ve ever seen is this car seat coming in at almost $400.
Although you can’t put a price on your baby’s safety and car seats are absolutely essential, the Primo Viaggio Car Seat is definitely one of the most expensive you can invest in.
Available at Amazon
That’s A Wrap
Well mama, I hope you enjoyed this wish list of luxury baby items.
It was fun for me to see some of the most outrageously expensive baby products any mom-to-be would swoon over. If you enjoyed this post, please share with others!
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