How to Fix A Slacker Boob When One Breast Produces Less Milk Than the Other
The asymmetry of life, it finds us everywhere doesn’t it?
You may be reading this particular article today because there’s something in your life that is a little off-balance.
Which in this case, it’s that you have one breast producing less milk than the other, or you could call it a “slacker boob”. It really depends on if you want to look at the bottle as half empty or half full.
But no worries mama, because you are going to get ALL of the tips I have to help you fix this slacker boob slump!
Let’s get to work!
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Reasons for Uneven Milk Supply
The reason you may have one breast that produce less milk than the other can be pretty straight forward for the most part.
When one of your breasts has began to fall short in milk production, this is usually due to the supply and demand trigger not being stimulated enough.
For instance, if you are nursing and your baby tends to favor one breast over the other – the breast getting the most action will undoubtedly produce more milk.
This is the equation of supply and demand.
If you are breast pumping to maintain your supply, a slight variation in milk production from breast to breast can be completely normal and expected.
However, if you are noticing that one breast is producing significantly less milk than the other, it is time to address the discrepancy and put some of these tips into practice.
How to Increase Milk Supply in One Breast Pumping
When one breast produces less milk than the other we can determine that the demand switch on that breast is in a down throttle.
The easiest way to increase milk supply in a slacker boob is to reimplement a breastfeeding or pumping schedule that will signal a surplus supply and demand response out of the underproducing breast.
Increase Pumping Frequency
Lets begin correcting this uneven milk supply with a targeted breast pumping routine. If you are exclusively pumping, the method best used to correct this issue is quite simple, it just takes a little extra time.
Try performing your pumping routine as usual, pump both breasts at the same time.
Once you have finished fully emptying both breasts, go ahead and wait 10 or 15 minutes and then begin again on the slacker boob for an additional few minutes.
Increasing the frequency of pumping and volume of expressed milk in the lazy boob, should signal to that breast – it’s time to catch up a bit!
If you would like expert tips to help you pump more milk (even in just one boob) and access to secret techniques to use towards your pumping and milk supply success, I would recommend this affordable online course, Pump it Up!
Pssst… If you do choose to grab Pump it Up!, I would also like to send you a printable pump log and pumping schedules for free to further help you keep track of your milk output! Just contact me here: after you’ve enrolled in Pump it Up!
Power Pumping on One Side Only
You may be asking, can you power pump one breast? Yes, you can single power pump just one side, you can even use a manual breast pump for this purpose. Or better yet, use a handsfree and cordless pump.
This handsfree pump is very inexpensive and you can buy just one to use on your slacker boob! Pssst…get this pump 10% off by signing up at their website with the link provided!
Now, let’s see the best method of power pumping for uneven milk supply below.
By the way, this can only be applied to the breast you are trying to pump more milk from.
Pump 20 min. / Pause 10 min. / Pump 10 min. / Pause 10 min. / Pump 10 min. = Finished
As you can see, this is a traditional power pumping schedule. However, you are just performing it on the breast that is producing less milk than the other.
The reason you pause in between, is to give yourself a little break and to introduce rhythmic stimulation that should signal an increase in demand.
Use Heat
In congruency with the breast pumping routines demonstrated above, you can also add other therapeutic remedies into your slacker boob solutions.
Heat is a wonderful tool that can help to promote the expression and production of more breast milk. Try taking a hot shower before you pump and really focus that water flow onto your under-producing breast.
You can also use a designated tool that is designed to add heat during a breast pumping session to aid in milk let-down. These extremely helpful warming massage pads (use code LOVEOURLITTLES10) can be inserted into your pumping bra while you pump.
P.S. Make sure to advantage of my exclusive discount code at LaVie and save a chunk of your cash with the code LOVEOURLITTLES10 at checkout. Use this link to shop!
Try Some Vibration
Did you know that vibration is an extremely effective tool to use while pumping?
Vibration on the breasts before and during your pumping session can dramatically increase milk flow, help eliminate clogs and even trigger multiple letdowns.
Using this lactation massager (code: LOVEOURLITTLES10) on the breast that is producing less milk will increase the breast tissue stimulation and hopefully signal a boost in breast milk supply.
Check out this Happy Boobs Bundle from LaVie with everything you need to increase milk supply in one boob!
Use Breast Massage
Breast massage, breast compression and hands-on pumping are all helpful techniques that can encourage more milk production, even if it’s just one breast.
Try using these hands-on pumping techniques before, during and after a pumping session.
Follow these steps:
- Before you begin pumping, massage your slacker boob with both hands for just a few minutes. You can use your warming lactation massage tool here for added effectiveness.
- While pumping and wearing a handsfree pumping bra (linked at Amazon), use breast compression to help push out more milk.
- After you finish pumping, try hand expressing any amount of additional breast milk you can.
Breastfeeding with a Slacker Boob
This next section will be primarily for the moms who are mostly nursing and want to know how to fix and what causes lopsided breasts while breastfeeding.
What Can Cause Uneven Milk Supply when Breastfeeding?
Forgetting to Switch Breasts
This issue could have arose in any innocent way, like forgetfulness.
Yes, maybe you just couldn’t remember what side you nursed on last and therefore, may have given one breast a little too much attention too many times.
If this is the case, a useful last feeding log should do the trick!
Nursing the Same Side too Frequently
Another scenario may have been that you nursed too frequently on one side just because it was more comfortable. Maybe you just forgot what side you last nursed! To fix this issue, use a last feeding log like this one to help you keep track.
Poor Latch on One Side
Not only can milk supply fluctuate from breast to breast, but sometimes the shape of our nipples may also differ. For example, if one breast has flat or inverted nipple, this can cause latching issues that could also lead to one breast producing less milk.
Forceful Letdown on One Side
Or, you may have had a forceful letdown on one breast that caused your baby to favor the other. Whatever the case may have been, one breast was regularly being signaled to produce more milk than the other.
On the other hand, as we addressed in the beginning, it is not uncommon to have one breast produce less milk than the other.
Signs of Uneven Supply when Nursing:
- You may find that your baby favors one breast over the other.
- Your baby may put up quite a fight when you attempt to feed them on the breast that is producing less milk.
- Look in the mirror, are your breasts two totally different sizes when they are full?
How to Fix Uneven Supply When Breastfeeding
Rectifying this cause may be as simple as switching up breastfeeding positions. Such as, laying down on your side to nurse (my personal favorite).
Try a nursing pillow that will give you more support. I used the Boppy at first, but I didn’t actually find it to be as ergonomically accommodating as I would have hoped.
Try instead the My Brest Friend nursing pillow. I have seen and heard a lot of really positive reviews about this particular nursing pillow and it does look very supportive.
Find it on Amazon (try Prime for 30 days free) and get free shipping.
Help yourself to this Milk Supply Rescue Action Pack! It’s full of actionable milk supply tips and tricks!
Last Drop
I think you have some pretty solid tips to help you conquer this slacker boob situation. I know it can be frustrating to see one breast producing more milk than the other.
It kind of makes you feel like a freak, but I promise this is totally normal and can be fixed with a strategic plan!
Begin implanting the tips I gave you in this article and don’t forget to save it for later on Pinterest to refer back to!
The most important take-aways from this article are that it is normal for one breast to produce less milk than the other and fixing this uneven milk supply by pumping, massaging and vibration are simple, yet effective solutions!
I always end a post with a little treasure at the end, and here are some gems I want you to check out!
Milkology has the BEST online breastfeeding and pumping courses that are designed to help moms breastfeed and pump with confidence!
These courses are priced right and they give you the tools and confidence to fully enjoy a simple and beautiful breastfeeding relationship with your baby you could ever hope to have.
Read Next: 12 Common Pumping Mistakes that can be Easily Avoided (Here’s How)