Best Breast Pump Bags Buying Guide: For Work, Travel, Value and More!
If you are like me (and most red-blooded women) you may love bags, shoes and most every accessory ever made.
That being said, our love for bags doesn’t end at breast pumps bags. Oh no, our breast pump is just as deserving of a fabulous and stylish home.
Sure, if you ended up with a free Medela Pisa, you may have received one of those bland totes or backpacks to keep it in, but let’s be honest, you’re not exactly proud to haul that look around.
So stick around because you’re about to be introduced to the best breast pump bags on the market!
Many of the items mentioned in this post are linked to Amazon for your purchasing convenience, if you currently do not have a prime account, try it for 30 days free and see why so many love it!
This post may contain affiliate links. Full disclosures here.
Best Breast Pump Bag for Spectra Pump
The next breast pump bag in the spotlight is the best bag for Spectra breast pumps.
Most breastfeeding moms who own a Spectra breast pump would agree that they have a deep love for their Spectra. Only the best breast pump bag will do!
Which is no surprise considering how cute they are to look at and their high performance quality.
The only downside about packing a Spectra in a bag can be their bulky, round shape that can make it somewhat hard to house.
With that being said, the perfect breast pump bag for your Spectra is going to be the “Kelly” by Sarah Wells again, (we love her brand).
Sarah Wells “Kelly”
The Kelly in Deco is one of the newest print launches to the Sarah Wells collection.
This breast pump bag is also convertible. It can go from tote to backpack in a breeze, making it the do-it-all bag of your pumping dreams.
It has one very deep and high pocket, perfect for snuggly fitting a Spectra or any other hospital grade breast pump.
Pictured: Sarah Wells Kelly in Deco
Available at Amazon
Best Breast Pump Travel Bags
Many breastfeeding mamas are also in need of a breast pump bag that can go the distance with them. A bag great for travel should be less cumbersome and more purse-like.
Because the last thing you need slowing down your travel plans is an intrusive breast pump bag.
This pump bag is perfect for travel because it has a hybrid purse-like feel, but can still hold all of your pumping treasures with ease.
Sarah Wells “Marie”
This is the most innovative bag to the Sarah Wells Collection.
The Marie (Le Floral) is a sleek designer handbag/backpack hybrid with all of the functionality you want. You can house your breast pump, pumping supplies, breast milk and lap top in this one classy bag!
Pictured: Sarah Wells Marie in Le Floral

Available at Amazon
Best Breast Pump Backpack Bag
Another option that would also instinctively be great for travel is a backpack breast pump bag. The convenience of being able to strap on a bag to your back and forgetting about is definitely a plus.
JuJuBe Breast Pump Backpack
This back pack bag is a great option because it’s designed to be functional and gender neutral. Which means, your husband won’t mind wearing it for you!
Pictured: JuJuBe “Be Nurtured”
Available at Amazon
Best Breast Pump Bag for Working Moms
One of the most important breast pump bags on this list is for the pumping at work mom. This mama will most likely be using her pump bag the most.
A working mom needs a breast pump bag that is extremely durable, mobile, organize-able and yet, still stylish. After all, this bag will most likely be seen by the most amount of people on daily basis.
Keeping that in mind, the best breast pump bag for working moms should also be simple, yet sheet.
Kiinde Anika Pump Bag
This black bag is the ultimate stylish breast pump bag for the sheek and modern mom. It was designed by a working moms with the goal of making pumping on the go more convenient and fashionable.
I personally love black and gold together, that combination is always classy and goes with everything.
If you are looking for a well-made and modern breast pump bag, this one may have your name written on it!
Pictured: Anika Pump Bag
See Also: The Ultimate Back to Work Pumping Class Review
Best Breast Pump Laptop Bag
I’m going to have to give this one again to the Lizzy Bag by Sarah Wells.
The spaciousness of this breast pump bag allows for all of your devices to be packed with ease.
In my Lizzy, I can fit a MacBook Pro, Spectra, small cooler, pumping supplies and more. I’ll attach an image or two below to show you how the bag looks with all of those items stowed away.
Best Breast Pump Bag for Medela
Medela is another very popular hospital grade breast pump. This was the first breast pump I owned (free through insurance).
The square shape of this breast pump makes it a little less ergonomic, but it’s also compact, which is nice.
The best breast pump bag for a Medela breast pump should have a suitable side pocket to accommodate this square pump’s corners.
Sarah Wells “Abby”
The Abby made the best breast pump bags list for best breast pump bag for Medela.
The bag comes in navy, black and berry and has real leather straps. It is made of durable and easy to clean nylon.
I love the neutrality of this dark navy blue as an alternative to black. Do you find yourself gravitating more towards navy as you get older too?
Pictured: Sarah Wells Abby in Navy
Available at Amazon
Best Multi-Functional Breast Pump Bag
Kaaylaa Premium Breast Pump Bag
This bag by Kaayla is yet another stylish breast pump bag. This breast pump bag makes the list because she is practical, but also fashionable.
It makes the list for best multi-functional breast pump bag because of how seamlessly it can transition from work to an evening out. The ability to carry as a shoulder bag makes the transition effortless.
Pictured: Kaaylaa Premium in Luxury Stripe
Available at Amazon
Best Value
Bananafish Breast Pump Tote
The most affordable breast pump bag just so happens to be a breast pump bag from Target. That’s right ladies, 5% off with your Target card (apply for yours here).
The Bananafish Breast Pump Tote is chic, classy and comfortable to wear. There is room for your hospital grade breast pump and or a small breast milk cooler and more.
I think most of all, you will love the price!
Pictured: Bananafish Tote in Black
Available at Target
Best Overall Breast Pump Bag
Drum roll please…
The breast pump bag that wins this coveted title is the “Lizzy” Breast Pump Bag by Sarah Wells.
This bag was my choice for overall best breast pump bag for a few reasons:
First, I love the print options for the Lizzy. There is a color and pattern for every unique pumping mama!
My personal favorite is “Berry Bloom”.
The second reason the Lizzy is the best overall beast pump bag is because of the spaciousness it offers!
You can comfortably fit your breast pump, laptop, pump parts, Cold Gold Cooler (more on this further down) and almost anything else you need in there for the day.
Last, but not least, the quality and ease of use for the Lizzy Bag just makes it so convenient and desirable for busy mamas.
Sarah Wells “Lizzy”
Pictured: Sarah Wells Lizzy in Berry Bloom
Available at Amazon
Best Breast Pump Bag Accessories
It’s time to accessorize our favorite breast pump bags – yes, breast pump bags come with accessories too!
Some of these accessories that you can purchase separately are things like, a small fabric cooler for your breast milk and pump parts wet/dry bags.
I’ll list and give details on the best breast pump bag accessories below!
Cold Gold Cooler
This mini fabric cooler is a breast pump bag accessory must-have for traveling with breast milk.
The exclusive Sarah Wells Cold Gold Cooler is equipped with an ice pack and will keep your precious liquid gold safe from spoiling.
It is designed to house four 8 ounce bottles.
You can find this cooler in all the same breast pump bag patterns from Sarah Wells so you can maintain your coordinating look!
Pictured: Sarah Wells Cold Gold Cooler in Le Floral
Available at Amazon
Pumparoo Wet/Dry Bag
The Pumparoo by Sarah Wells is a genius accessorie to keep in your breast pump bag for many reasons! This wet/dry bag + staging mat serves to offer stylish transport for your breast pumping kit.
The staging mat is your hygienic space to set up and take apart your breast pumping parts.
Pictured: Sarah Wells Pumparoo in Le Floral
Available at Amazon
Why Do You Need A Breast Pump Bag?
As a woman, “need” is a subjective word.
Meaning, we may say we “need” new clothes or a pair of shoes because the ones we have are old (like more than 6 months). However, our husbands may say, you don’t actually “need” a breast pump bag, but want one.
Well, he may be right, in the sense that we technically don’t “need” anything more than air, food, water and shelter, but that’s not realistic is it?
If having a fashionable and functional bag to haul and house your breast pump in makes your life better, easier and more efficient – it’s worth having.
Breast pumping is an inconvenience as is, but we do it because we love our babies and we feel it’s worth the sacrifice. Therefore, allowing yourself to have an accessory, like a great breast pump bag is totally understandable and practical.
Breast pumping comes with a lot of extra stuff in order to perform it properly.
Your breast pump kit is constantly being used and moved around depending on where and when you can pump.
Using a breast pump bag that was created and designated intentionally for a pumping mama makes the most sense.
Using any old backpack or purse just isn’t going to add anything of value to your life. Or, make your pumping sessions easier in any way.
If a breast pump bag benefits you in any way as a hard-working pumping mama, then it is worth having in my opinion!
How to Clean Your Breast Pump Bag
Most breast pump bags are made of nylon or faux leather to help ensure that keeping them clean and sanitary is a breeze. Sarah Wells specifically instructs to simply use a damp cloth and a little bit of dish soap and wipe down your breast pump bag.
Any leather bag, such as the “Abby” by Sarah Wells requires a designated leather cleaner.
It is also not recommended to machine wash your breast pump bags as this could deteriorate the structure and hardware of the bags.
See Also: Best Breastfeeding Subscription Boxes for Nursing and Pumping Moms
How to Pack Your Breast Pump Bag
You not only need a great bag to house your pump, but just as important is knowing how to organize and pack your breast pump bag.
If you’ve never packed a breast pump bag for work before, knowing what should be in it may not be fully realized until you find yourself without an essential item!
I don’t want you to go through that stressful dilemma!
Which is why you can find a complete list of essential breast pump bag items and how you should pack them in this related post: “What to Pack in Your Breasts Pump Bag.”
Final Review
You were introduced to some of the best breast pump bags and accessories of 2019 and I hope you were happy with what I presented to you!
Most of the bags and accessories listed in this post were by the Sarah Wells brand and that is just simply because in my opinion, they have the best breast pump bags on the current market.
It is always evident when a brand truly understands their customer on a personal level and Sarah Wells does. I suppose it helps that she too, was a pumping mama and can relate to what other breast pumping moms truly need and want.
Here’s a quick links reference in case you want to revisit anything of importance.
- See all of Sarah Wells products on Amazon
- See the New Yorker breast pump bag by Charlie G. on Amazon
- Try Amazon Prime for 30 days.